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April 2, 2020
Quilt festivals from home from Luna Lovequilts

arT-Tex group had planned to exhibit at two festivals this Spring. As you can imagine, organizers had to cancel the events ...
Prague Patchwork Meeting was to be held April 3 to 5 and today I should be hanging the quilts with my friends. Instead of pictures of the show, here is a photo collage of the quilts I had planned to bring there ...

Le groupe arT-Tex avait prévu d'exposer lors de deux festivals ce printemps. Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, les organisateurs ont dû annuler les événements ...
Le Prague Patchwork Meeting devait avoir lieu du 3 au 5 avril ...

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March 4, 2020
Quiltcon 2020 - Part 3 from Luna Lovequilts

Here is finally the last part of my article about Quiltcon 2020. In case you miss them you can read the previous posts by following the links Part 1 (my quilts in the show and some made by friends) and Part 2 (quilts that caught my eye).

Voici enfin la dernière partie de mon article à propos de Quiltcon 2020. Au cas où vous les avez manqués, vous pouvez lire les articles précédents en suivant les liens Part 1 (mes quilts exposés et ceux réalisés par mes amies) et Part 2 (des quilts qui ont attiré mon attention).

Improvisation category ...

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March 2, 2020
Quiltcon 2020 - Part 2 from Luna Lovequilts

I am unpacked now and almost in my everyday routine. But though this time I took homeopathic medicine to prevent jetlag I still haven't totally recovered ... Is it just me ?! Anyway the trip was worth it :-)

Mes valises sont défaites maintenant et je suis presque revenue à ma routine habituelle. Mais bien que j'aie pris cette fois de l'homéopathie pour prévenir les effets du décalage horaire, je n'ai toujours pas totalement récupéré ... Est-ce que c'est juste moi ?! Mais en tout cas le voyage en valait la peine :-)

Small quilts category

I already shared several quilts ...

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February 29, 2020
Quiltcon 2020 - Part 1 from Luna Lovequilts

Hey! I am back from my trip to Quiltcon that was held in Austin - Texas this year. Not totally recovered from all the excitement of the show and jetlag. I feel a little less like a zombie today anyway ...
Quiltcon is a great show but most importantly a place where you can catch up with friends. I had three quilts in the show and my LOVE quilt was the perfect backdrop for a photo shoot with my friends Kathy, Sarah, Marla and Sophie.

Hé! Je suis de retour de mon voyage à Quiltcon qui avait lieu cette année à Austin ...

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December 12, 2019
Quiltcon 2020 submissions from Luna Lovequilts

The much awaited notification emails arrived earlier this week ... And they brought me really good news ! Three out of the five quilts I submitted to Quiltcon 2020 were accepted :-) Bubble Gum, LOVE and Funky Town will be heading to Austin !

Les très attendus emails de notification sont arrivés un peu plus tôt cette semaine ... Et ils m'ont apporté de vraiment bonnes nouvelles ! Trois des cinq quilts que j'avais soumis pour Quiltcon 2020 ont été acceptés :-) Bubble Gum, LOVE et Funky Town se rendront à Austin !

Luna Lovequilts - Three quilts accepted for Quiltcon 2020
Bubble Gum - LOVE - Funky Town

Curaçao and my mini Improv' Snowball were rejected ...

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